Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jove and Eagles

51.1 Jove: "If I see anyone acting apart and helping either Trojans or Danaans he shall be beaten inordinately ere he come back again to Olympus"

First, I have to say that the threat of 'inordinate beatings' is humorous to me.

Second, my first thought about the meaning of this passage was completely wrong. I thought "Hey, that's interesting. Jove is acting as the least partial of the gods. At least there is some order up there." Unfortunately what is really meant by this passage bears itself out in the following pages. Jove wreaks havoc on the Achaeans that day. He really just wanted the playing field to himself. Even worse, he, being the most powerful of the gods and able to command the rest, is the most fickle in his favors.

Jove's shows his unfaithfulness later that same day when Agamemnon pleads with him to spare the Achaean ships.
53.5 "Thus did he pray, and father Jove pitying his tears vouchsafed him that his people should live, not die; forthwith he sent them an eagle, most unfailingly portentous of all birds , with a young fawn in its talons."

Again we see that you can buy off the gods as long as you sacrifice regularly. Also, that is one huge bird.